Apply for a Company Internship

An internship is an excellent way to apply theoretical knowledge acquired during one’s studies for practical skills needed for your professional future. 

Leading-edge companies offer internships to highly-motivated Montanuniversität students to get in touch with high-potentials. For students, internships provide an opportunity to improve their skills and practical experience. At the same time, companies can take advantage of talented students who in turn might get an offer to join the company after graduation.

Since students should look and apply for an internship by themselves,  the overview listed below represents those companies that commonly provide open internship positions to Geoenergy and Petroleum Engineering students at DGE.

For each completed internship (only Bachelor students) the form "Confirmation of Compulsory Internship" as well as a detailed activity report must be submitted to Bettina Matzer.

More detailed information as well as the forms can be downloaded here.

RED Drilling & Service


At what stage (year/semester) of my degree do I have to complete the internship?

The internship can be completed at any stage of your studies before graduation.

How many hours in total do I have to work to complete my internship?

Bachelor's program: 80 working days (not necessarily uninterrupted).
Master's program: an internship is no longer a part of the curriculum.

What happens if I cannot get an internship at a company?

Get in touch with a professor from the chair you intend to continue your studies and address this issue to find a solution.

What happens if my internship is not applicable to my study program? Can I still fulfill the required hours from the curriculum?

Get in touch with the responsible person for the BSc internships and explain the problem you are facing.

More questions? Ask Office Manager Elisabeth Koch!