
MSc Double Degree Petroleum Engineering

1. Year

1. Semester (Winter)

Advanced Petroleum Eco­nom­ics Seminar

Crisis Man­age­ment in the Petroleum Industry

Decision-Making and Risk Analysis


Health, Safety and Envi­ron­ment

Literature Review Project

Project Man­age­ment for Industrial Man­age­ment

Reservoir Engi­neering 2: Storage, Seques­tra­tion and Geothermal...

Reservoir Man­age­ment

Wellbore and Reservoir Geo­me­chanics

2. Semester (Summer)

Advanced Well Construction

Artificial Lift Systems for Reservoir Engineers

Enhanced Oil Recovery

Introduction to Field Devel­op­ment Project

Literature Review Project

Reservoir Charac­ter­ization and Modelling

Water Flooding

2. Year

3. and 4. Semester

During the third and fourth semester both Montanuniversität and Mines students will attend lectures at Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. During the last semester the Master’s Thesis is written.

Please visit the overview for further information.

1. Year

1. Semester (Winter)

Advanced Borehole Geophysics

Compu­ta­tional Continuum Mechanics

Data Science for Engineers II

Entrepreneurship in Oil and Gas Industry - Special Topics

Flow of Fluids in Wells and Pipes

Health, Safety and Envi­ron­ment

Material Engi­neering in the Oil and Gas Industry

Mathe­mat­ical Foundations for Data Measure­ment

Well Integrity

Well Placement

Wellbore and Reservoir Geo­me­chanics

2. Semester (Summer)

During the second semester both Montanuniversität and Gubkin University students will attend lectures at Gubkin Russian State University Oil & Gas in Moscow, Russia.

Please visit the overview for further information.

2. Year

3. Semester (Winter)

Advanced Directional Drilling and Geo-steering

Advanced Well Monitoring and Analysis

Drilling Process Evaluation and Planning

Measure­ment Control, Monitoring and Analysis

The O&G Industry Machine and Equipment Design & Simulation

Well Construction Fluids Lab

Well Construction Mechanical Lab

Well Recon­stru­ction, Workover & Aban­don­ment

4. Semester (Summer)

During the last semester the Master’s Thesis is written.

1. Year

1. Semester (Winter)

Advanced Petroleum Eco­nom­ics Seminar

Compu­ta­tional Continuum Mechanics

Crisis Man­age­ment in the Petroleum Industry

Data Science for Engineers II

Decision-Making and Risk Analysis

Entrepreneurship in Oil and Gas Industry - Special Topics

Flow of Fluids in Wells and Pipes

Health, Safety and Envi­ron­ment

Literature Review Project

Mathe­mat­ical Foundations for Data Measure­ment

On- and Offshore Production Facilities & Water Processing

2. Semester (Summer)

Literature Review Project

2. Semester (Summer)

During the second semester both Montanuniversität and Ufa University students will attend lectures at Ufa State Petroleum Technological University in Ufa, Russia.

Please visit the overview for further information.

2. Year

3. Semester (Winter)

Advanced Oil, Gas and Geothermal Energy Recovery

Compu­ta­tional Solids Mechanics

Energy Transport and Network

Flow Assurance, Well Intervention and Workover

Fluid Storage Facilities

Green Hydrogen Technology

Natural Gas and CO2 Technology

Production Data Analysis and Modelling